

Case Study: Casing & Ground


Process: Metal injection molding (MIM)

Material: MIM-Fe50%Ni soft-magnetic alloy

Density: 7.6 g/cm³

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End Use and Function

The casing & ground are used in gas flow sensors in industrial machines. The application demands very high permeability and low coercive field.


A 2021 Award of Distinction Winner in the Industrial Motors, Controls & Hydraulics category for metal injection molded
PM components

A 2021 Award of Distinction Winner in the Industrial Motors, Controls & Hydraulics category for metal injection molded
PM components



The casing requires very high magnetic properties for the application. It is a complex part considering the thin wall thickness, sectional differences, and other profiles. Formed in a four-cavity die, optimized molding parameters result in defect-free parts. The ground is similar to its counterpart, also molded in a four-cavity die. Both parts are strategically staged in the sintering furnace to optimize production loads while minimizing distortion.



This application is an excellent example of how MIM can be utilized for magnetic applications. Excellent material selection, robust feedstock design, sophisticated tooling, increased process controls, optimized molding parameters, consistent quality and delivery – all contributed to the successful conversion from a machined, high-scrap, low material utilization part to a sustainable part.

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